Thursday, April 7, 2016

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 6 - Whale Watching

Today for the sixth day of my staycation challenge I revisited an old favorite thing from my early days in San Diego.  I haven't been on a whale watch in years.  So, we looked up whale watching and found a Groupon discounting a whale watch with San Diego Whale Watch.

I knew I had enjoyed the whale watch in the past but I had forgotten just how cool whale watches actually are. We saw one Fin Whale and many, no, many isn't right.... we saw an incredible amount of dolphins.  Hundreds by the end.  They swam all around us riding the bow wave and they were so close it was amazing.  Sometimes when you really immerse yourself in nature you realize just how breathtakingly beautiful it all is.  

Common Dolphins in San Diego

Common Dolphins in San Diego

Common Dolphins in San Diego

And I'm sorry in advance for the loud background noise.  I would recommend muting this video.

So, yes, the dolphins swimming all around us were amazing.  We also managed to briefly see a few Pacific white-sided dolphins and a Fin Whale from a distance before he dove deep looking for krill.  I didn't manage to get a decent photo since I only brought my baby camera today.  I was afraid of getting my big camera wet.  Next time I'll just take it to the top deck.  But, the SD Whale Watch crew did manage to take a lovely photo of the whale.

Fin whale on the afternoon trip making its way down into deeper waters in search of food.
Posted by San Diego Whale Watch on Wednesday, April 6, 2016

And we learned one, very random fact.  Pacific Loons, a bird that rather perfectly lives up to its name, gorge themselves on fish to the point where they have serious trouble getting airborne again.  We watched one slapping the water with his wings trying to take flight.  He ended up sort of half flying half walking on water.  He was simply too fat with food to get any air.

pacific loon
Posted by San Diego Whale Watch on Saturday, April 2, 2016

Stupid Loon.  Or more specifically, Pacific Loon!  

Sea Lions in San Diego
Let's not forget the sea lions and cormorants

Sea Lions napping in San Diego

All in all, it was a fantastic afternoon.  Well worth the time and money.  I would highly recommend the tour.  I am already planning to bring my friends on a whale watch the next time they are in town.

Sea Lions napping in San Diego
And  now ladies & gents, I'm beat, so I'm off to sleep on my private island.
If you'll excuse me.

Madder Hatter's Tricks of the Trade for this outing:  
1. Bring snacks - you will want them on the journey back to the bay when you aren't seeing any marine wildlife and you realize you're starving.
2. Bring sunglasses and your camera
3. Braid your hair.  Yes, ladies, and gentlemen with long hair, you will want it locked down as tight as possible.  Any loose hair will fly about in the wind and become horrifically tangled, yes, even the loose ends of your ponytail.  I'd recommend a french braid where possible.  

For more of my staycation adventures look here.  

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