Monday, April 11, 2016

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 11 - Passing on Kindness

The challenge for today was to give the world back what it gives to you.  Be it kindness, a smile from a stranger, or a gift from a friend.  This seemed especially appropriate today.  Because I just started my new job today.

Today, I embarked on a journey with a new company and a totally new profession because a friend had the kindness to reccommend me, strangers took a chance on me, and people I'd never met were willing to be my friend.  I was welcomed with open arms, accepted despite my quirks, and encouraged with great patience and kindness.  

I tried in my turn to be as friendly and accepting and encouraging of my fellow new-starters.  But I was thoroughly overwhelmed with the kindness.  This is the sort of company that you actually want to do your absolute best for.  They just encourage that sort of loyalty with their kindness and friendly culture.

I am so appreciative of my friends and all the kindness from new friends I found today.  I hope I will be able to be as kind and supportive of you in the future as you were of me today.  

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 10 - Victorian Day

Today, was Victorian Day in Old Poway Park.  This was the first year the Poway Historical Society decided to do a Victorian Day event.  There were lectures, costumes, tours of the Nelson House and a Victorian Tea.

Despite the torential rain, it was a fun afternoon.  The yellow roses are blooming beautifully already this year.

The Nelson House is an original home to Poway and has docents dressed in Victorian clothes every Saturday and Sunday morning.

Old Poway Park is just a charming place to wander, whether it's on Saturday for the farmer's market, or to visit the old trains in the train barn, or to see any of the many events that are always going on in the park.  Today it just happened to be Victorian Day.

It's even lovely at night if you fancy a stroll or you have just eaten at the Hamburger Factory and want to sit on a bench and relax.

For more of my staycation adventures this April, start here.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 9 - Poway Flower Show & Blue Sky Reserve

Today is Saturday and Saturdays in Old Poway always mean market days.  We went through the market and bought a few strawberries and a tarot boba smoothie.  One of the things I love best about living in Southern California is the amazing produce we have.  Since our weather is generally warm, we have strawberries almost year round.  This is one thing in favor of this locale that cannot be said of London, as much as I loved it there.  So strawberries and smoothies in hand we went to see the flower show.

Old Poway Park Flower Show

This iris is called the peanut butter and jelly iris, believe it or not. 
The Poway Valley Garden Club puts on a flower show every year.  There are flower designs and arrangements and individual flowers that are all judged and awarded ribbons.  I love seeing all the amazing things that other garden enthusiasts manage to grow here.  The roses and irises are always my favorite flowers.  I also found some interesting succulent plants that I will be on the lookout for in future.  We admired all the cut flowers and flower designs then headed to the plant sale.

There we picked up cheap baby orchids that I hope will be happy on our patio.  At one edge of the plant sale we found four schools doing fundraisers for their school garden projects.  They had display boards with pictures of their gardens and the things they were learning about.  A couple of young students told us all about how to tell which seedlings were going to grow larger.  So we bought a few varieties of sunflower seedling plants.  One of which is going to grow to be 10 feet tall, or so we are told.  It was adorable how excited they were about their garadens and different plants.  I hope their fundraiser will allow them to keep up with their gardening projects.

After lunch it was still a very overcast day.  Since, the temperatures were just right for a good walk, we took our two giant black labs for an outing to Blue Sky Reserve.

Blue Sky Ecological Reserve 

Blue Sky has some very pleasant hiking trails.  I say hike because it could turn into one if you go far enough, but the trails are largely flat .

It dips down at first to the creek and you wend through groves of coastal live oaks, stately and wonderfully large.  It's a smooth flat trail underneath the oaks' canopy for the first mile to a mile and a half ish.  Then you have the option of doing a proper hike uphill to Lake Ramona, to Poway Lake, or of turning back.  We opted for the more sedate walk home at this point and turned around to head back.  But it was a lovely walk.

The reserve is home to some lovely native California plants.  It is home to the wildlife as well and there have been sightings of a mountain lion, but we saw no wildlife on our walk, unless you count our two black dogs.  They can be wild at times I assure.  But I digress, the native plants that we saw just along the trial edges were lovely.  We've had a fair amount of rain recently and everything was blooming.

It was a very good walk.  A bit of exercise, fresh air, and flower spotting.  Oh and the dogs made friends with nearly everyone we passed.  They love people like that.  So, they helped with the prompt of today that suggested we make new friends.

So that was my staycation adventure of the day.  For more of my staycation adventures check here.

Staycation Challenge San Diego: Day 8 - Trying New Things

Day eight of my staycation adventures was a productive day mostly.  I caught up with correspondence, practiced a bit of my Spanish, and booked salon appointments for the weddings I'm in this summer.  This way I don't have to worry about failing at hair on the day of the wedding and embarassing the bride.  Some days my hair likes to do anti-gravity tricks and some days it likes to channel wildling vibes.  So, I'm letting the professionals tackle it for the two weddings in which I am part of the bridal party.  After all this productivity, I watched a fantastic movie, chatted with a few good friends and came home to relax.

Day eight's prompt was to make your Friday nights great again.  Now, when I travel I usually wear myself out walking and site-seeing all day and go for a good meal and an earlyish night.  But I like to try new things when I travel.  I try new foods and drinks and try to experience local culture.  So, for my day eight I tried to make my own caiprinhas, a drink I discovered and loved in Spain but haven't had in a few years.  So, I tried doing something new, and made a caipirinha, which wasn't bad for a first attempt.  I have a feeling I'll be doing a bit more experimenting with proportions to make it right though.  Then I took my drink to the couch and relaxed while watching Jane Austen's Persuasion.  All in all, it definitely made my rainy Friday night great.

Tomorrow will be a more adventurous day.  So, if you are interested in reading any of my other more exciting days for the staycation challenge, check here.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 7 - Garden Photography Project

Today for the staycation challenge we were encouraged to take photos.  To try and take that sort of photo that you look back on after a vacation and just love beyond words.  Maybe because it captures the feel of the whole trip or maybe because it expresses a moment perfectly.

So, today, I retreated to my writing place, the little playhouse outside.  I wrote, I got into a creative mood and then I set forth with my camera to take some photos.  These were the fruits of my efforts today after the rain stopped.

Iris covered in dew

Iris covered in dew

These photos captured the most peaceful moments of my day.  Looking at the flowers in the garden was delightful and calming.  I only hope I did them justice.

Iris covered in dew

Iris covered in dew

Iris covered in dew

For more of my adventures in this staycation challenge check here

Staycation challenge San Diego: Day 6 - Whale Watching

Today for the sixth day of my staycation challenge I revisited an old favorite thing from my early days in San Diego.  I haven't been on a whale watch in years.  So, we looked up whale watching and found a Groupon discounting a whale watch with San Diego Whale Watch.

I knew I had enjoyed the whale watch in the past but I had forgotten just how cool whale watches actually are. We saw one Fin Whale and many, no, many isn't right.... we saw an incredible amount of dolphins.  Hundreds by the end.  They swam all around us riding the bow wave and they were so close it was amazing.  Sometimes when you really immerse yourself in nature you realize just how breathtakingly beautiful it all is.  

Common Dolphins in San Diego

Common Dolphins in San Diego

Common Dolphins in San Diego

And I'm sorry in advance for the loud background noise.  I would recommend muting this video.

So, yes, the dolphins swimming all around us were amazing.  We also managed to briefly see a few Pacific white-sided dolphins and a Fin Whale from a distance before he dove deep looking for krill.  I didn't manage to get a decent photo since I only brought my baby camera today.  I was afraid of getting my big camera wet.  Next time I'll just take it to the top deck.  But, the SD Whale Watch crew did manage to take a lovely photo of the whale.

Fin whale on the afternoon trip making its way down into deeper waters in search of food.
Posted by San Diego Whale Watch on Wednesday, April 6, 2016

And we learned one, very random fact.  Pacific Loons, a bird that rather perfectly lives up to its name, gorge themselves on fish to the point where they have serious trouble getting airborne again.  We watched one slapping the water with his wings trying to take flight.  He ended up sort of half flying half walking on water.  He was simply too fat with food to get any air.

pacific loon
Posted by San Diego Whale Watch on Saturday, April 2, 2016

Stupid Loon.  Or more specifically, Pacific Loon!  

Sea Lions in San Diego
Let's not forget the sea lions and cormorants

Sea Lions napping in San Diego

All in all, it was a fantastic afternoon.  Well worth the time and money.  I would highly recommend the tour.  I am already planning to bring my friends on a whale watch the next time they are in town.

Sea Lions napping in San Diego
And  now ladies & gents, I'm beat, so I'm off to sleep on my private island.
If you'll excuse me.

Madder Hatter's Tricks of the Trade for this outing:  
1. Bring snacks - you will want them on the journey back to the bay when you aren't seeing any marine wildlife and you realize you're starving.
2. Bring sunglasses and your camera
3. Braid your hair.  Yes, ladies, and gentlemen with long hair, you will want it locked down as tight as possible.  Any loose hair will fly about in the wind and become horrifically tangled, yes, even the loose ends of your ponytail.  I'd recommend a french braid where possible.  

For more of my staycation adventures look here.